Spring Cleaning?
Many of the chemicals used in conventional store-bought cleaning products haven’t undergone any testing to ensure that they are safe for us or for the environment – most don’t even list their ingredients. When you use these cleaning products you expose yourself and our ecosystems to health risks. They should be of special concern if you have young children living in your home, as they are more vulnerable (and more likely to be crawling around on the floor you just washed with those unknown chemicals).
It can be tough to make the decision to commit to “green” cleaning products. Do they really work? Aren’t they difficult to make? And will my house look and smell as clean as it does after a working over by “Mr.Clean”? Yes, they work. And yes – you can still have that sparkle and fresh smell of a just-cleaned home.
As far as whether or not they are easy to make? They are very simple – below is a suggested ‘starter kit’ that will clean your home from top to bottom. With these simple ingredients, you can wash up anything from tubs to laundry. And if you mix your own products, you will be spending less than $2/bottle! |
Starter Kit
Baking soda
Washing soda
Essential oils: Lavender smells good and adds an anti-bacterial quality. Orange will give you that super-fresh scent
White vinegar
Castille liquid soap: Dr. Bronners is the most readily available.
Here is just one example of how easy it is:
Best Tub Cleanser Ever
Dampen tub. Sprinkle all over with up to ½ cup of Borax.
‘Squirt’ with up to 1/8 cup of Dr. Bronners liquid castile soap
Scrub with sponge or scrub brush. (Soap and borax will make a paste). Rinse. Sparkling clean!!
Not up for making you own? There are many products available today that have a full ingredient disclosure policy on their products. These companies are working hard to provide us with quality products while keeping our families safe and cleaning up the environment – we should support them!